dijous, 12 de desembre del 2019

1+Yesterday I played football.

1-Yesterday i didn't play football.

1?Did yesterday play football.

Yesterday a friend came

I did an test yesterday

Yesterday I ran a lot of kilometers

Last Christmas I ate a lot

Yesterday fed rats

Last month don't give anyone

Yesterday I heard a video.

The other day I wrote a letter

Last year I didn't hit anyone

Last year I learned cooking recepts

Yesterday I made a song

Last week i eat a pig

Yesterday I rent a car

Las month stole a lollipop

Yesterday I taught a job

Last year I thought things to do this year

Four years ago I won a soccer league

Yesterday I ran 5 km

Yesterday I bought two t-shirts of Flashy Ice Cream

dijous, 14 de novembre del 2019

My last summer vacation


My last summer vacation I went to Caceres.I traveled with my mum and my sister.
I went by car.I slept, played football, swam and ate.I saw the Giralda, Merida and Lleida.I didn´t like the mosquitoes and the hot
temperature the next summer.I would like to go maldivas 

dijous, 19 de setembre del 2019



He is Jan Burges Mirada he live in Balaguer
He have 15 years old and he born in 20/May/2004.
He have 1 sister younger is called Xenia.
Her´s shoes size is 40/41.
He tall 1 meter 67 centimeters.

Resultado de imagen de gifs friend

dijous, 12 de setembre del 2019

welcome to my blog


 Helo i am Didac Bailen Porras i am form Vallfogona de Balaguer a little village of Lleida .
My birthday is on  9 / october / 2003
i am 15 years old, im have 3 sisters
my size of shoes is 43/44 i am 1 meter 86 centimeter tall
i like taekwondo and listen music.

Resultado de imagen de gif doraemon

dimecres, 8 de maig del 2019



Be born:Neixer.
Buy a house: Comprar una casa.
Fall in love:Enamorar-se.
Get a degree:Obtenir un titol.
Get a job:Obtenir un treball.
Get married:Casarte.
Get old:Ferye vell.
Go to the university:Anar a la universitat.
Grow up:Creixer.
Have a children:Tenir fills.
Learn to drive:Aprendre a conduir.
Leave home:Marxar de casa.
Leave school:Marxar de l´escola.
Retire: Jubilarse .

dimecres, 3 d’abril del 2019

body art and decoration


Resultat d'imatges de face paint.Body painting/ Pintura corporal.
.Eyeliner/Ralla de ulls.
.Face paint/ Pintura facial.
Resultat d'imatges de eyeliner.Hairstyler/ Pentinats.
.Nail varnish/Pinta ungles.
.Nose studs/ Pircing de nas.
.Piercings/ Pircings.
.Tattos/ Tatuatjes.
Resultat d'imatges de pintallavi.Wig/Perruca.

visual arts

Resultat d'imatges de art installation.Portait/Retrat.
https://www.reasonwhy.es/sites/default/files/fotografia-reasonwhy.es_.jpg.Still life/Bodego.

Imatge relacionada 

Resultat d'imatges de ceramica 

Resultat d'imatges de print 

Resultat d'imatges de escultura romanica 

Resultat d'imatges de bodegó

dimecres, 27 de març del 2019

ing adjectives

Maths are boring
 Fail a exam is embarrasing
 Win a game are exiting.
  The scar film are frifhtening
 The rain are relaxing
 Pas the exams are surprising
High school are tiring

The terrorism is woring

dimecres, 20 de març del 2019


 When i go to the classes i bored.
 Wen my mom show my baby fhotos i embarrased.
 When im aproved all subjects im very exited.
 When i go to theterror house im frightened.
 In the sauna im relaxed.
 when my mum gif my a skate i m surprised.
 In the nite im tired.
When i the atemps in New Zealand im very worried.

dimecres, 13 de març del 2019

present perfect execise


1.I / go / to the library today.

   I have gone to the library.

2.You / keep / a pet for three years
   you has kept a pet for three years.

3.You / eat tai food before?

   You has eaten tai food before?

4.It / rain allday?

   It has rain all day?

5.We / not hear / that song already.

  We haven´t hear that song already.

6.She / steal / all the chocolate.

  She stolen all the chocolate

7.He / study / Latin.

   He has studied Latin.

8.You / not take / a taxi.

   You hasn´t take a taxi.