dimecres, 20 de febrer del 2019

A:RING RING emergency service ,which service do you requiere?
B:Fire Brigade ,please.
A:What´s the problem? Tell me exactly was has happend.
B:there is a lot of fire in the mountain
A: Ok, When did this happen?
B:About two minutes ago. 
A: All right, And, where are you exactly?
B: I´m in my house in barcelona srteet in Termens.
A: Sorry can you reapet
B:I´m in my house in barcelona srteet in Termens
A:Ok.the fire brigade is on the way.

dimecres, 6 de febrer del 2019


 - Mountain accident.
-The boy broke his legs.
 - Falling from the mountain

A:RING RING emergency service ,which service do you requiere?
B:Mountain rescue ,please.
A:What´s the problem? Tell me exactly was has happend.
B:There´s been an accident. A boy fall from a mountainan he broke his two legs._I have just seen it.
A: Ok, When did this happen?
B:About two minutes ago. 
A: All right, And, where are you exactly?
B: I´m in the ``El Montsec´´.
A:Ok.the mountain rescue is on the way.
A: Please hold on while i explain what you should do next. Is he conscious?
B:I don´t know.